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Taking On The Struggle to Eliminate “Busy” In Our Lives

Sept 6th, 2024.


Ask most of the guys you know how their week is going, and that’s the answer you’ll get.

It’s an all too common response that many of us wear like a badge of honor. So many things that need to get done, to-do lists that stretch on forever, and the feeling of getting pulled in multiple directions at once. Men are trying to show up well at work, be good husbands and fathers, stay checked in on their older parents and extended family, serve in their churches and communities, and grow their relationship with the Lord.

Do Not Be Anxious About Anything

Aug 1st, 2024.

As men try to be better husbands, strong dads, leaders where we work, and contributors in our communities, there are so many open doors for anxiety to creep in. From career pressures and financial stresses to relationship struggles and trying to be “enough” in all our roles, feeling anxious, stressed out, and overwhelmed is more common than any of us talk about – which is likely why God gave us the verses below. He knew what we’d encounter in this life. The world offers us many ways to release our stress. Here is God’s alternative…