January 7th, 2025.

I've never been someone who had a word of the year, or heard God "give me a word." That said, whenever people would bring up "their word," I would get a little wound up about it. If they heard from God and got a word, and I wasn't hearing the same, I would get a little chippy with them. Maybe I was jealous or felt left out, but the question was always the same. Why wasn't I getting a word? And, if I wasn't getting a word, why was God giving them out to everyone else?


A word of warning… Be careful what you wish for.


About two months ago, it started. It would come up in conversations. I'd hear it in blog posts. Someone would recommend a book, and I'd see it there. It would be the topic of a sermon, and then I'd hear it in a podcast. All of a sudden, one word kept showing up everywhere, and I couldn't get away from it.


What was it?




Hindsight being twenty-twenty, I assume that this word has been circling me for a while. My wife would tell you that I'm not always a great listener. Perhaps God had been telling me to release for years, and I was missing the message? Maybe he chose this time, right now, to yell it a little louder?


Either way, I feel like God has given me this word. It would be easy to attribute it to something more random or to say that I made it up in my head because it's the word I wanted to hear. I get that, but here's the reason I think otherwise.


I can't stand this word.


This word that God has given me, "release," is not a word I would have picked or chosen on my own. Maybe He could have given me "gather" or "conquer" as my word. I would have liked those better. How about "victory" or even "worship?" Again, those would have been easier to onboard for me.


"Release" is a more challenging word for me. The whole concept of releasing is tough. I'm an entrepreneur who craves control in every area of my life. I live in a cause-and-effect world. I do my work and cause things to happen, and then the effects come. Results drive everything I do, and often, I like to think I am the creator of those results.


That's where "release" comes in. I feel like it is God's reminder to me that I am not the creator of my results. I am a steward of my business, my team, my finances, my family… and nothing more. I am called to show up in all of those areas and expected to do my part of the work. And then, (here's where it gets challenging for me), I am being called to release it.


I'm being called to release the business I lead. I am being called to release my finances. I am being called to release my marriage and my kids who are now off at college. I am called to release my health.


Releasing isn't an excuse to be lazy. On the contrary, it's pushing me to do my part and be a good steward. As long as I do that, I can live in confidence that God's in charge of the rest of it. My protector, my provider, my healer, my Savior, my everything… He's got it all under control.


So, with that in mind, my journey for this new year is one of release. I'm not entirely sure how it will go or what God is about to teach me, but here's one thing I do know for sure... Whenever I share this story of release, everyone I share it with has an area that this concept of releasing resonates. No one has told me yet that they don't have something they need to release. At our core, we all have an area of our life where our internal control freak is holding on too tight. We grip too hard.


So, my question for you is this…


Will you join me this year on this journey of release? Will you look for that one area where you need to let something go, and will you give it to God?


I have no idea where this will take us, but I have confidence that God's got it.


So, let's release it and see what happens.


John Gamades, Author

WAR: A Tactical Guide for Christian Men

Conquer: Daily Devotions for the Christian Man