Aug 1st, 2024.

As men try to be better husbands, strong dads, leaders where we work, and contributors in our communities, there are so many open doors for anxiety to creep in. From career pressures and financial stresses to relationship struggles and trying to be “enough” in all our roles, feeling anxious, stressed out, and overwhelmed is more common than any of us talk about – which is likely why God gave us the verses below. He knew what we’d encounter in this life. The world offers us many ways to release our stress. Here is God’s alternative…

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

-       Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

Going through a challenge recently, I spent some time peeling these verses back section by section…

"Do not be anxious about anything,”

The verse starts with a call to release our fears and concerns, the things that weigh heavy on our hearts, to God. This includes the things we’re afraid of, our concerns, restlessness, and the things that keep us up at night or wake us up early in the morning. If you're anything like me, a recovering control freak to my core, letting the anxieties go is a challenge. If I'm not anxious about these things in my life, who will be and how will they ever change? We've been tricked into believing that staying anxious will somehow "fix" the things we're anxious over. It does the opposite, and is one of the lies the devil uses to keep us distracted.

“but in every situation,”

This next section is interesting. We’re not called to release our anxiety in some areas but hold onto it in others. Instead, the word “every” implies that letting go of our anxiety totally and completely is commanded in all areas of our lives. These “situations” come in many forms, from things going on professionally to raising our kids and leading our families… In each form, without exceptions, we are called by a Father who loves us to let go.

“by prayer and petition,”

How do we let go? Through prayer and petition. God doesn’t leave us hanging here, not knowing what to do next. He tells us clearly to pray. Often, this is the last place we go, our last resort instead of the first. Instead of lifting our challenges up to Him, we lift them up to ourselves and stand in one place, holding them or trying to fix them on our own. Come to the Father and let him know where you’re at. Communicate your fears and anxiety to Him, and share with him what’s on your heart. He already knows but is waiting patiently for you to include him in your life.

“with thanksgiving,”

Over my life, I have come to realize that gratitude is an essential element of a fulfilled life and a powerful part of my Christian walk. When I stop long enough to think about all the things God has already done for me, especially amid a challenge or something I am anxious about, I am reminded of all the times and ways God has already come through for me.

“present your requests to God.”

We are prompted here to ask God for what we need, especially in times of distress or challenges. He tells us to pray and ask for the things we need for ourselves and the people around us. We sometimes find ourselves worried that God is too busy to hear what we need or that He's going to reject our asking because we haven't invested much time connecting with Him. At the same time, we can feel like our need is too insignificant and that God only has the time and energy to address the big stuff. None of those concerns are true. We have a Father who wants to hear from us, is not bound to limited time and energy, and wants us to ask for His help.

“And the peace of God,”

This is where the tables begin to turn. When we pray, present our requests to God, and meet Him with thanksgiving, we are promised that we will experience the peace of God. What kind of peace is this? Keep reading…

“which transcends all understanding,”

It’s a peace so great that you won’t be able to express it or understand it. It exceeds anything you could compare it to. It’s an over-the-top peace that the rest of the world lacks and that we often miss out on because we’re so focused on fixing things on our own. But, when we give up the things that make us anxious and hand them over to God, the freedom and calm we experience will allow us to walk through any fire without fear or restlessness.

“will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

That peace that transcends understanding is a powerful force – a guardian for our hearts and minds. The Word tells us that the devils prowl about, looking to steal, kill, and destroy. Knowing we are protected, we can stand in confidence. When pressure and anxiety rise, God comes to put them down, protecting both heart and mind.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

It’s my hope that these verses are a source of peace and strength for you, the same as they’ve been for me. This life comes with challenges, and there are opportunities every day to elevate our anxiety, putting it on a pedestal. Instead, when those opportunities show up, lean into this word for your life and put God on the pedestal.

John Gamades, Author of WAR: A Tactical Guide for Christian Men