What's God Telling You To Do?

August 1st, 2023.

What's God Telling You To Do?


Often in life, we find ourselves asking God what He wants from us. What do you want me to do? How should I react in this situation? Where should I set down this fear and anxiety?


Life would be easier if there were billboards along the side of the road with personalized messages for us, answering all of these questions. The bad news is that's not how our walk with God works. The good news is that God has other ways of communicating with us, one of the primary ways being His word.


Embracing Life in the Fire

July 1st, 2023

In Daniel 3, we hear the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. King Nebuchadnezzar had created an image of gold and instructed the people to fall down and worship it with this warning… Those who did not worship the idol would be thrown into a blazing furnace.


How's your quiet time?

June 1st, 2023

We ask this question like it's expected that we all have a quiet time in our lives, but as men in the world today, making and taking the time to get quiet can feel almost impossible. There's a lot of cultural noise to contend with, coming at us from every direction. Layer on top of that the challenges and expectations that can come with being a leader at work, and getting quiet becomes even more difficult. Add being a husband and a dad, and the noise can become deafening.


The Power of Your Words at Work

April 1st, 2023

Our tongue is the most powerful of all the tools we use as leaders and influencers within our work. It can lift up those around us and show Christ's love in our workplace, and it can also create the most damage. Someone we work with frustrates us, and we greet them with a snide remark. Someone misses a deadline, and our words light them on fire. Someone fails, and we meet them with sarcasm.


Your Legacy Begins Today… And it Begins with Serving Others

February 1st, 2023

There comes a time in every man’s life when we grapple with this question. “What’s my legacy going to be?” Asking this question can be especially timely as we transition from one year to the next, setting goals and looking toward the future. We’re all going to leave a legacy. The question is whether we’ll leave it intentionally or it will just be created by accident. 


Lead Like a Baby

January 1st, 2023.

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.”-1 Peter 2:2

None of us wakes up in the morning thinking, "I'm going to lead like a baby today." Instead,we're grown men who often try to lean into our strength, experiences, and intelligence as welead in the workplace and at home. Culture tells us we can do everything we need to on ourown. The Bible tells us something different... that we should live life and lead like babies.

Babies are hungry... and we should be as well.

Wearing the Full Armor of God to Work

December 14th, 2022.

As Christian leaders in the workplace, we’re called to show up differently from the rest of the world. At the same time, there are moments when our workplaces become spiritual battlefields, where we can be tempted to lean into our own power to get through some of the challenges we encounter. Looking at Ephesians 6, the Word is clear. God has provided us with the armor weneed to stand firm. To do that, we need to understand the armor God has given us for our workplace battles...

The Belt of Truth - Ephesians 6:10-14

An Attitude of Gratitude

2 Minute read

December 18, 2020

The end of the calendar year is fondly referred to as the “most wonderful time of the year,” and is traditionally a season for spending time with loved ones and reflecting on your blessings. However, it may not always be easy to express gratitude after troubling times. Here are a few reminders as to why you should be thankful during this holiday season.