June 1st, 2024.

Many of you are familiar with Operation Timothy, CBMC’s discipleship Bible study. The study was designed to equip men to live out Matthew 28:19, in which the Word tells us to “go into all the world and make disciples.” Disciple-making is an essential part of our Christian walk, and just as Paul led Timothy in Acts, we are called to mentor and guide one another.


The example Paul sets forth for us is powerful. In Acts 16, Paul meets Timothy, a young believer with a solid reputation among the people. Paul sees Timothy’s potential as a leader, and we watch as Paul mentors Timothy. They spend time together and live life with one another. Eventually, over years of investing into his life, Timothy is ready to lead and disciple on his own. 


We get some insight into this disciple-making process within 2 Timothy. Paul writes to Timothy from his Roman prison cell just before his death. These are some of his last words to the young man he mentored for so long…


“Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus. 14 Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the precious truth that has been entrusted to you.”

- 2 Tim. 1:13-14


“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.”

- 2 Tim. 2:2


In those two verses, we see the two sides of the Operation Timothy coin. First, we see Paul stepping into the mentor role, guiding Timothy by his example and teaching him during their time together. Second, we see Timothy in the role of a young believer who is hungry to learn more and grow in his faith. In the verses above, Paul reminds Timothy of the lessons he has been taught and tells him it is his turn to share those lessons with others.


Fast-forward to today and this same relationship between Paul and Timothy is available to us now. Not only is it available, but we are called to it as a way of acting out the faith we believe in. Operation Timothy was designed to guide this process.

For today’s Paul…

“I want to leave a legacy, and do something with some purpose and meaning.” There comes a time in our lives when we feel led to step into our true calling: to be disciple-makers and have conversations that lead people to Christ. Many of us have felt this nudge – and at the same time, felt like we weren’t equipped for that mission.

Operation Timothy changes that, removing the barriers often associated with discipleship, from not knowing where to start to feeling like life is too busy. Intuitive, easy-to-use, and mobile-friendly, Operation Timothy provides a roadmap to discipleship, equipping users to have Biblical conversations, grow together, and connect through life-on-life relationships. Meaning and purpose become real, and the path to creating a legacy that matters becomes clear.

For today’s Timothy…

As a new believer, the Bible can be intimidating. “What is this, where do I start, and who can help me?” Alone, spiritual growth can be slow and sometimes overwhelming amid the challenges of life. A new marriage, young kids, a career… trying to do it all, AND growing in your faith by yourself can feel like too much.

Operation Timothy is a game-changer for new believers. Instead of navigating the journey alone, Advance offers a space for life-on-life discipleship. Here, two or more believers can come together, supporting and challenging each other to grow in their faith. It’s a place to find answers to questions, receive encouragement, and gain direction for life from experienced believers. Together, we can advance discipleship for all.

Now Available! CBMC Advance

We are thrilled to announce the launch of CBMC Advance, a space where Operation Timothy comes to life – even in the palm of your hand! Over the last year, we’ve invested time, energy, and resources into developing a new and improved version of our Marketplace Ambassador Advancement System.


CBMC Advance, as this new platform is known, is a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use digital application designed to simplify life-on-life discipleship and exploring faith together. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” CBMC Advance makes living out this Biblical command easy and accessible, equipping individuals for disciple-making, spiritual growth, and relationship-building.


CBMC Advance delivers:

  • A streamlined, modern, and mobile-first user experience
  • New and enhanced features to promote discipleship
  • Additional resources, sermons, and studies
  • All your current answers, connections, bookmarks, and notes are migrated


Begin exploring CBMC Advance today… Start here!